Holy Smokes!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An intrusion a firewall wont protect you from...

So I sit down here after getting the kiddos to bed. And I read my email. I get these newsletters from a few places, that keep me somewhat up to date in the technical worldly happenings. One story struck me as funny, and I just had to share; because this story really made me think.

A few years back I was awfully concerned to do my online banking over a wireless network connection, especially the first few times I used a wireless network connection. Even now with encryption and security features, you can't help but think that it would be a better idea to transmit sensitive data over a wire, and not through the air right?

Apparently one doesn't even need a network connection to be snooped on. Apparently a couple of guys from a Swiss research laboratory have discovered a way to remotely key log directly from the keyboard. No, I'm not talking about a wireless keyboard either. Apparently they are decoding electromagnetic pulses up to 20 meters away, and through walls. And apparently USB, PS/2 and Laptop keyboards are all affected. I wonder if wireless keyboards are affected...

Tin Foil hats anyone?

Oh, http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-10072967-83.html
There is a link in there you can follow with video footage of these attacks.


  1. Apparently this isn't the only way keyboards can be snooped on.


